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Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/AJAGE.2024.060303.

Application and Environmental Impact Analysis of Green Building Materials in Civil Engineering


Xue Xiangyu

Corresponding Author:
Xue Xiangyu

Xi'an Peihua University, Xi'an, China


The application of green building materials in civil engineering is pivotal for sustainable development. This paper explores the use of various materials such as recycled steel and bamboo for structural purposes, and insulation materials like cellulose and wool for non-structural purposes. Innovative materials, including self-healing concrete and low carbon cement, are also discussed. The environmental impact analysis reveals significant reductions in carbon footprint through decreased energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Effective waste management strategies, including the reduction of construction waste and the reuse and recycling of materials, are highlighted. Long-term benefits are assessed through life cycle assessments and end-of-life disposal considerations. Future trends indicate advancements in material technology, integration with smart building systems, supportive policies and incentives, and active community and stakeholder engagement. This paper underscores the crucial role of green building materials in reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainability in civil engineering.


Green building materials, sustainable development, carbon footprint, waste management, innovative materials

Cite This Paper

Xue Xiangyu. Application and Environmental Impact Analysis of Green Building Materials in Civil Engineering. Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 3: 12-17. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJAGE.2024.060303.


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