Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2024, 6(7); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2024.060721.
Yutong Li1, Yuxi Liu1, Beibei Liu1,2, Xi Xi1
1School of Economics and Management, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing, 102617, China
2Development Research Centre of Beijing New Modern Industrial Area, Beijing, 102617, China
As an effective strategy for promoting new products and enhancing brand equity, brand cobranding has been widely applied in business practices in recent years. This article examines the influence of different brand element cobranding types on consumer evaluations of cobranded products and the underlying mechanisms. The study results indicate that core element cobranding influences consumer evaluations of cobranded products through perceived quality, while peripheral element cobranding affects consumer evaluations through perceived symbolic value. Product type serves as a moderating factor to some extent: when the product type is functional, the effect of core element cobranding is more significant; when the product type is hedonic, the effect of peripheral element cobranding is greater.
Brand element cobranding; Product type; Perceived quality; Perceived symbolic value; Cobranded product evaluation
Yutong Li, Yuxi Liu, Beibei Liu, Xi Xi. The Influence of Brand Co-Branding Types on Consumer Evaluations of Co-Branded Products. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 7: 152-158.
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