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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2024, 6(7); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2024.060736.

The Influencing Factors of Live-streaming on Consumers' Purchase Intention


Fang Li1,2, Manuelita G. Valencia1

Corresponding Author:
Fang Li

1Graduate School, Angeles University Foundationy, Angeles, 2009, Philippine

2Management School, Zhejiang Industry &Trade Vocational College, Wenzhou, 325003, China


The rapid advancement of the Internet and information technology has facilitated the emergence of live-streaming as a novel business model in recent years (Wongkitrungrueng & Assarut, 2020)[1]. Comprising elements of "live-streaming + social networking + e-commerce," this model has garnered increasing attention due to the escalating competition within the online retail sector and the growing consumer demand for enhanced shopping experiences(Ma et al., 2022)[2]. Consequently, many e-commerce platforms and sellers integrate "live-streaming" into their marketing strategies to adapt to the evolving commercial landscape. This approach drives significant sales increases for businesses and fosters stronger brand loyalty among consumers (Liu et al., 2022)[3]. Moreover, live-streaming has evolved beyond merely satisfying consumers' online shopping needs. It extends its reach into philanthropy and rural development, attracting extensive scholarly interest (Yu & Zhang, 2022)[4]. However, despite its significance, academic study on the impact of live-streaming on consumer behavior remains in its nascent stages, and most of the research mainly explores the influence of live-streaming on online purchase intention from the perspectives of platforms, streamers, and consumer psychology. As live-streaming represents a complex interplay of various stimuli, it is imperative to explore how consumers' perceptions of value under multiple live-streaming stimuli affect their online purchasing intentions.


Live-streaming, Influencing factors, Online purchase intention

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Fang Li, Manuelita G. Valencia. The Influencing Factors of Live-streaming on Consumers' Purchase Intention. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 7: 262-267. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2024.060736.


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