Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2024, 6(7); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2024.060739.
Wei Zhang, Yunhao Liu
School of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, 233030, China
Considering the spillover between independent innovation investment of firms, research and development subsidy policies of government, we construct an independent innovation investment model of mixed multi-oligopoly including one public firm and many private firms. We obtain optimal independent innovation investment of public firm and private firms, and analyze the relationship among the technology spillover, research and development subsidy and the optimal independent innovation investment. Furthermore, this paper discusses the relationship between independent innovation investment and non-independent innovation investment when social welfare reached optimal. Finally, take into account the difference of all firms scale and the difference of innovation investment, we derive the Nash equilibrium solution of independent innovation investment of firms, and analyze the effects of the change of the firms scale on independent innovation investment.
Independent innovation investment; Public and private firms; Scale difference; Spillover; Innovation game
Wei Zhang, Yunhao Liu. Research on Independent Innovation Investment of Firms under Mixed Multi-Oligopoly. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 7: 283-288.
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