Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2024, 5(3); doi: 10.25236/AJMS.2024.050305.
Larry Cao
Harrow School, London, United Kingdom
The problem of how to optimise the locations of emergency services (e.g. hospitals, police stations, fire stations) around a city is a problem of utmost importance. It directly influences the well-being and the safety of civilians. Different arrangements of the locations of emergency service stations result in different lengths of time required for civilians to reach the nearest one for them. The purpose of this research paper is to produce the best distribution of the locations of emergency services through analysis using network science. The main hypothesis of this paper is that when considering multiple emergency service locations, the optimal distribution would be when the locations are placed away from each other as opposed to being clustered in the centre. The model included in this research paper utilises the London tube system for analysis and the Median Problem model for the method of analysis [1]. It outputs the optimum locations when considering one emergency service station, and when considering two emergency service stations. The results can be employed to help determine future construction plans for the government.
Centrality; Networks; Nodes; Coefficient; Minimization
Larry Cao. Optimisation of the locations of emergency services in London using network science. Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2024) Vol. 5, Issue 3: 31-36.
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