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International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2024, 8(3); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.2024.080308.

Engineering Management Capability Enhancement of Provincial Industry Units: A Strategic Perspective


Duoxian Zhao1, Ming Ma1, Yulei Tao1, Jing Wang2, Xuewen Liu3, Yan Guo4

Corresponding Author:
Duoxian Zhao

1Gansu Electric Power Company, State Grid Company of China, Lanzhou, China

2Gansu Electric Power Research Institute Technology Center Co., Ltd, Lanzhou, China

3Gansu Haoyuan Industry and Trade Co., Ltd, Lanzhou, China

4Shanghai Branch, Yuekai Securities, Shanghai, China


This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the engineering management capability enhancement of provincial industry units, focusing on the critical challenges and opportunities facing these units in the context of ongoing corporate, regulatory, and technological transformations. The study offers a strategic framework for enhancing the five core capabilities and standardizing nine key management areas, aiming to improve overall performance, professionalism, and market competitiveness.


Engineering Management; Capability Enhancement; Strategic Framework

Cite This Paper

Duoxian Zhao, Ming Ma, Yulei Tao, Jing Wang, Xuewen Liu, Yan Guo. Engineering Management Capability Enhancement of Provincial Industry Units: A Strategic Perspective. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2024) Vol.8, Issue 3: 46-54. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDES.2024.080308.


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