International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2024, 6(9); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2024.060904.
Qiaolong Huang
Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, Fuzhou, China
Starting from the health of rural residents, a theoretical analysis framework of "air pollution - farmers' health level - rural labor supply" is constructed to clarify the inherent logical relationship and mechanism of air pollution, health loss, and labor supply. This article applies clinical medical theory to the study of rural labor supply, combining the theory of large human capital and the theory of health demand, expanding the scope of application of relevant theories. Current research on air pollution and labor supply mostly focuses on cities as research areas, lacking research on rural areas. This article will extend the study of tentacles to rural areas, based on human capital theory, and construct an analytical framework from the micro individual level to investigate the loss of health human capital of rural residents exposed to air pollution, and explore the agricultural labor supply losses caused by health problems. Using Grossman's health needs theory, this study analyzes the impact and mechanism of ambient air pollution on the health human capital of rural mid-aged and elderly, enriching the theoretical research on rural labor supply.
air pollution; Resident labor supply; Theoretical foundation; analytical framework
Qiaolong Huang. Theoretical basis and analytical framework for the impact of air pollution on the labor supply of middle-aged and elderly people in rural areas. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 9: 18-27.
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