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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2024, 6(9); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2024.060905.

Lvliang Lishi's “Playing and Singing”: Research on the Integration Path of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Tourism


Jian Bai1,2, Lingli Kou1

Corresponding Author:
Jian Bai

1Jiaokou County No.1 Middle School, Lvliang, Shanxi, 032499, China

2Philippine Women's University, Manila, 1004, Philippines


This article aims to study the path and strategy of integrating the “playing and singing” culture as intangible cultural heritage with local tourism in the Lishi area of Lvliang. Through in-depth analysis of the history, forms of expression, and role of Lvliang Lishi's “playing and singing” in local cultural identity and tourism attraction, this paper explores the importance of “playing and singing” culture in the sustainable development of local economy, society, and culture. Research has found that the culture of “playing and singing” is not only an important intangible cultural heritage in the Lishi area of Lvliang, but also has significant tourism attraction and economic benefits. The article combines field research and case analysis to propose strategies for protecting, inheriting, and innovating the singing and playing culture, and explores feasible paths for the deep integration of singing and playing culture with local tourism. It provides theoretical and practical support for the protection of “playing and singing” culture and the development of tourism resources in the Lishi area of Lvliang.


Lvliang Lishi; “Playing and singing” culture; Intangible cultural heritage; Local tourism

Cite This Paper

Jian Bai, Lingli Kou. Lvliang Lishi's “Playing and Singing”: Research on the Integration Path of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Tourism. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 9: 28-33. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2024.060905.


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