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Academic Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.25236/AJALS.2024.050114.

Target localisation of rotating frame in ear root area of pigs based on improved YOLOv8_OBB


Qi Li, Dong Ren

Corresponding Author:
Dong Ren

School of Electronic Information and Artificial Intelligence, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an, 710021, China


In the thermal infrared temperature measurement scenario of pigs, the temperature at the root of the ear is closest to the body temperature. Due to the weak light in the pig house scene, the inconspicuous characteristics of the pig's ear area, and the mutual blockage caused by the pig's posture changing at any time, it is difficult to accurately locate the pig's ear root. Therefore, in order to reduce the impact of low light conditions on the positioning of the pig's ear root, the Retinex algorithm based on bilateral filtering is used to preprocess the input image; an improved rotating target detection method of YOLOv8_OBB is proposed, and the Shuffle Attention mechanism is introduced in the neck, which effectively integrates spatial and channel attention mechanisms to enhance the feature extraction capability of the model; the original feature extraction method is replaced by the Shuffle Attention mechanism, which effectively integrates spatial and channel attention mechanisms to enhance the feature extraction capability of the model. Feature extraction capability; the original backbone network is replaced with MobileNetV3 network structure to reduce the number of parameters and computation of the model. The improved YOLOv8_OBB algorithm improves the accuracy by 7.3%, recall by 7.6%, and average accuracy by 7.1% compared with the baseline algorithm, and is more robust under low light conditions and target occlusion, which provides the basis for intelligent temperature measurement in pigs. Effective positioning out of the ear root is of practical significance for modernised intelligent temperature measurement in pigs.


Pig population, YOLOv8_OBB, MobileNetV3, Hybrid attention mechanism

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Qi Li, Dong Ren. Target localisation of rotating frame in ear root area of pigs based on improved YOLOv8_OBB. Academic Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences (2024) Vol. 5 Issue 1: 102-112. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJALS.2024.050114.


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