Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2024, 5(10); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2024.051004.
Fang Miao
The Association for the Protection of Asian Women in America, 7 Sutton Square, New York, NY 10022, USA
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, particularly Asian women in the United States. This paper delves into the significant increase in violence directed at this demographic during the pandemic, focusing on both the escalation in incidents and the nature of the violence endured. It explores the underlying factors contributing to this rise, from xenophobia to economic distress, and assesses the profound effects on the victims' health, safety, and economic stability. Furthermore, the paper outlines actionable strategies to address and reduce this violence, emphasizing interventions at policy, community, and individual levels.
COVID-19, Asian women, violence, xenophobia, United States, pandemic response, racial discrimination
Fang Miao. Shadow of the Pandemic: An Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 on Violence against Asian Women in U.S.. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 10: 20-26.
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