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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2024, 6(11); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2024.061108.

The Impact of Virtual Reality Exercise on Psychological Health Interventions for College Students: A Theoretical Exploration


Qian Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Qian Zhang

College of Public Health and Management, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning, China


This study aims to explore the role of virtual reality (VR) technology in emotional regulation among college students, constructing a theoretical framework based on Cognitive Behavioural Theory (CBT). It analyses how VR experiences influence emotional regulation through mechanisms such as immersion, situational exposure, and cognitive restructuring. Through systematic analysis, the study proposes ways in which VR scenarios can safely and effectively assist students in coping with negative emotions, as well as how interactive experiences can facilitate cognitive restructuring and behaviour change. In terms of empirical research, it is recommended to conduct experiments on emotional regulation using VR within the college student population, employing standardized psychological assessment tools to evaluate emotional changes. Statistical methods, such as regression analysis and path analysis, should be utilized to verify the effects and mechanisms of VR experiences in emotional regulation. Additionally, the application of VR in mental health education and treatment should be explored, analysing technological challenges and ethical issues, including equipment costs and privacy protection. This research not only provides a new perspective for the theoretical discussion on VR in emotional regulation but also offers important references for the practice of mental health interventions. The findings indicate that VR technology holds significant potential for application in the field of college student mental health. Future research should continue to explore its integration with other mental health intervention measures to enhance intervention effectiveness and feasibility.


Virtual Reality; College Students; Mental Health; Cognitive Behavioural Theory

Cite This Paper

Qian Zhang. The Impact of Virtual Reality Exercise on Psychological Health Interventions for College Students: A Theoretical Exploration. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 11: 45-52. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2024.061108.


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