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International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2024, 8(5); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.2024.080511.

Research on Fault Prediction and Health Management System of Railway Tunnel Drilling and Blasting Construction Machinery Based on Machine Learning


Jinshuo Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Jinshuo Zhang

Washington University of St.Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63105, USA


During the construction of railway tunnel by drilling and blasting method, the machinery and equipment run in the harsh environment of high load, high dust and high humidity for a long time, and the equipment fails frequently, which seriously affects the construction progress and safety. Traditional methods of periodic maintenance and passive fault repair have been difficult to meet the needs of modern tunnel engineering. This paper presents a machine learning method to predict and manage the fault of railway tunnel construction machinery and equipment by drilling and blasting method. The system collects equipment operation data in real time through sensors, preprocesses it by means of data cleaning, feature extraction, etc., and performs fault prediction and health status assessment through decision tree and other machine learning algorithms. This paper describes the system architecture design, data processing flow, model selection and training methods. The system can predict potential mechanical failures in advance, reduce unplanned downtime, and improve equipment reliability and overall efficiency of tunnel construction. The fault prediction system aided by machine learning can not only reduce the failure rate of equipment, but also provide accurate health assessment and early warning mechanism, which has a wide range of engineering applications.


Railway tunnel, Borehole and blast method, Failure prediction, Health management

Cite This Paper

Jinshuo Zhang. Research on Fault Prediction and Health Management System of Railway Tunnel Drilling and Blasting Construction Machinery Based on Machine Learning. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2024) Vol.8, Issue 5: 70-75. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDES.2024.080511.


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