Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 6(4); doi: 10.25236/AJAGE.2024.060418.
Junwei Zhu
School of Arts, Design and Architecture, University of Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA, UK
With the rapid development of information technology and the advancement of urbanization, the concept of smart city has gradually become the core element of urban planning and architectural design. This paper first introduces the basic concept and development background of smart city, and then analyzes the principles and methods of urban architecture design under the concept of smart city in detail. Through case studies, this paper discusses the application and effect of smart city building design in practical projects. Urban architectural design based on the concept of smart city should cover intelligent infrastructure, environmental protection and energy saving design, humanized interactive experience, data-driven design decisions, safety protection system, flexibility and adaptability, interdisciplinary integrated design, and the integration of culture and history. These suggestions will help build an efficient, green, humanistic and intelligent modern city and create a better living environment for residents. This study believes that the architectural design integrating the concept of smart city is not only reflected in advanced technological means, but also reflected in profound thinking about the ecological environment and human society.
smart city; urban architecture design; sustainable development
Junwei Zhu. Research on urban architecture design based on the concept of smart city. Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 4: 116-122.
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