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Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 6(4); doi: 10.25236/AJAGE.2024.060420.

Study on the Deformation Law of Surrounding Rock of Middle Bottom Pumping Roadway under the Influence of Close Distance Mining


Yonghui Wei1, Zhiguo Qin2, Zhongxin Ji3, Tao Wang3

Corresponding Author:
Yonghui Wei

1College of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, 454001, China

2The Ninth Coal Mine of Hebi Coal and Electricity Co., Ltd., Hebi, Henan, 458000, China

3Henan Shenhuo Coal and Electricity Co., Ltd., Yongcheng, Henan, 476600, China


The surrounding rock of the middle-bottom drainage roadway experiences extensive crushing and severe deformation due to the combined effects of mining dynamic pressure and dense gas drainage holes, making its control challenging. Based on the engineering background of 3103 middle bottom drainage roadway in Hebi No.9 Coal Mine, the variation law of vertical stress and displacement of roof and side of bottom drainage roadway with dense boreholes under the influence of mining is revealed by means of field investigation, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis, and reasonable roadway support measures are put forward. The results indicate that as the inclined working face progresses, the vertical stress peak in the surrounding rock of the bottom pumping roadway is observed approximately 10 to 15 meters ahead of the mining face. Mining activities induce asymmetric deformation in the middle and lower sections of the roadway. The right side exhibits a maximum deformation 1.21 times greater than the left side, while the roadway's plastic zone transitions from a horseshoe shape to a butterfly shape. Based on the asymmetric deformation and failure characteristics of the surrounding rock in the bottom drainage roadway, a multi-level coupling control scheme was developed, comprising high-strength prestressed bolts (cables), deep and shallow grouting anchorage, and shotcrete. The approach was successfully implemented in the field, effectively mitigating the uncoordinated deformation of the roadway. This study provides valuable insights for enhancing the stability of surrounding rock and extending the service life of bottom pumping roadways under similar conditions.


Close mining; Middle bottom pumping roadway; Dense drilling; Asymmetric deformation failure; Multi-level coupling control technology

Cite This Paper

Yonghui Wei, Zhiguo Qin, Zhongxin Ji, Tao Wang. Study on the Deformation Law of Surrounding Rock of Middle Bottom Pumping Roadway under the Influence of Close Distance Mining. Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 4: 137-144. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJAGE.2024.060420.


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