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Academic Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.25236/AJALS.2024.050124.

Screening of Molecular Descriptors Based on Random Forest Model and Correlation Analysis


Yifan Fu, Zinuo Hao, Peijie Wu

Corresponding Author:
Yifan Fu

Saxo Fintech Business School, University of Sanya, Sanya, 572022, China


Breast cancer is the most common and one of the most lethal diseases in the world, the demand for its treatment is imminent. In this study, we explored a method to screen compounds with potential anti-breast cancer potential by targeting estrogen receptor alpha subtype (ERα). Through the analysis of data, 729 kinds of molecular descriptor of 1974 compounds were studied and analyzed. Firstly, strict data preprocessing steps were adopted, including vacancy detection, outlier processing, and feature screening. Finally, 359 valid features were identified. Subsequently, two different dimensionality reduction methods, random forest and entropy method, were used to screen out the 30 main variables with the most significant effect on ERα activity under each method. The comparative analysis shows that the random forest method has advantages in representativeness and effect. Then, by Pearson correlation analysis and gradually eliminate highly correlated variables, eventually determines the effect on activity of ER alpha 20 largest molecular descriptor. These descriptors included SHsOH, XLogP, etc., and their biological activity contribution rates ranged from 0.01045 to 0.00597. This study is helpful for the treatment of breast cancer, and the method of screening compounds with anti-breast cancer potential could be helpful.


Breast cancer, estrogen receptor alpha subtype, biological activity

Cite This Paper

Yifan Fu, Zinuo Hao, Peijie Wu. Screening of Molecular Descriptors Based on Random Forest Model and Correlation Analysis. Academic Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences (2024) Vol. 5 Issue 1: 179-184. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJALS.2024.050124.


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