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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2024, 7(12); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2024.071211.

Application of Dynamic Programming Algorithm in the Shortest Path Problem


Weiqing Wan1, Yuanci Wan2

Corresponding Author:
Weiqing Wan

1Jiangxi University of Engineering, Xinyu, Jiangxi, 338029, China

2Xinyu Emerging Industry Engineering School, Xinyu, Jiangxi, 338029, China


This paper delves into the specific application of dynamic programming algorithms in solving the shortest path problem in multi-stage graphs. Faced with a given multi-stage graph structure, we are committed to finding an optimal path from vertex 0 to vertex 9, with the aim of minimizing the total length of the pipeline laid, which represents a classic optimization problem. To efficiently and accurately address this challenge, we have chosen dynamic programming as our core tool. This algorithm constructs solutions step-by-step and leverages the results of already solved sub problems to avoid redundant calculations, thereby significantly enhancing computational efficiency. The paper not only elaborates on the fundamental principles of dynamic programming and its application in the shortest path problem within multi-stage graphs, but also provides specific algorithm implementation code in C++ programming language. Our goal is to offer readers a comprehensive and in-depth guide, enabling them to understand and apply dynamic programming algorithms to successfully solve similar optimization problems related to the shortest path in multi-stage graphs.


Dynamic Programming; Shortest Path; Multi-Stage Graph; C++ Implementation; Optimization Problem

Cite This Paper

Weiqing Wan, Yuanci Wan. Application of Dynamic Programming Algorithm in the Shortest Path Problem. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2024), Vol. 7, Issue 12: 79-84. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2024.071211.


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