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Frontiers in Sport Research, 2025, 7(1); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2025.070102.

A Study on the Promotive Effects of Physical Education on College Students’ Lifelong Exercise Behavior: An Analysis of the Moderating Role under the “Healthy China” Strategy


Kun Ding

Corresponding Author:
Kun Ding

Department of Physical Education, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China


With the release and implementation of the "Healthy China 2030" blueprint, "universal health" has become a core focus across educational, social, and policy domains. Physical education in universities plays an indispensable role in helping students develop healthy attitudes and lifelong exercise habits. From an interdisciplinary perspective (education, sociology, public health), this study explores how university physical education can effectively promote the formation of lifelong exercise behaviors among students and evaluates the moderating or amplifying effects of the "Healthy China" strategy. Factors such as a diverse sports curriculum, high-quality facilities, faculty, and health policy awareness significantly correlate with student participation in and persistence with exercise. Importantly, the Healthy China strategy enhances these effects; students with greater awareness of the policy show increased willingness to engage in extracurricular physical activities and improved health literacy. These findings provide empirical support for improving physical education programs, fostering student interest in physical activities, and enhancing promotion of the Healthy China initiative.


Physical Literacy, Intervention Strategies, Holistic Education, Sports Integration

Cite This Paper

Kun Ding. A Study on the Promotive Effects of Physical Education on College Students’ Lifelong Exercise Behavior: An Analysis of the Moderating Role under the “Healthy China” Strategy. Frontiers in Sport Research (2025) Vol. 7, Issue 1: 9-14. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSR.2025.070102.


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