The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2025, 7(1); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2025.070101.
Fei Wang, Yang Zhou, Xiaoneng Gao
State Grid Weihai Power Supply Service Command Center, State Grid Weihai Power Supply Company, Weihai, Shandong, 264200, China
With the rapid development of distribution automation technology, intelligent operation and maintenance have gradually become an important means to improve the management efficiency and service quality of distribution networks. This study aims to explore the intelligent recording and analysis methods of distribution automation operation and maintenance work logs. By integrating IoT, artificial intelligence, and big data analysis technologies, a work log management and analysis framework based on intelligent systems is designed. This method can record the operation process, fault diagnosis and handling of operation and maintenance personnel in real time, and deeply mine historical log data through intelligent analysis to identify potential problems and optimize space. The experimental results show that the intelligent recording and analysis method not only effectively improves the accuracy and processing efficiency of work logs, but also provides data support for operation and maintenance decisions, further enhancing the overall efficiency and response speed of distribution automation operation and maintenance.
distribution automation, operation and maintenance management, work log, intelligent recording, data analysis, artificial intelligence
Fei Wang, Yang Zhou, Xiaoneng Gao. Research on Intelligent Recording and Analysis Method of Distribution Automation Operation and Maintenance Work Log. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2025), Vol. 7, Issue 1: 1-7.
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