International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2025, 7(1); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2025.070107.
Qingsheng Li
Law School/School of Intellectual Property, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China
This article discusses the obligation of notification of an increase in risk and analyses its problems under the current legal framework, including the vague criterion of 'significant increase', the single subject of performance of the duty and the narrow scope of application. The article pointed out that the definition of increased risk should be clearer and the criteria for judgement should include factors such as seriousness, continuity and unpredictability; at the same time, it was suggested that the policyholder should also be included as a subject of the duty of notification, so as to enhance the flexibility and objectivity of the fulfilment of the obligation. In addition, it is proposed to extend this obligation to life insurance, in particular 'class III insurance', in order to restore the balance of consideration in insurance contracts. These improvements will better guarantee the fairness of insurance contracts.
obligation of notification of increased risks, insured, contract
Qingsheng Li. Study on the Obligation of Notification of Increased Risks in China's Insurance Law. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2025), Vol. 7, Issue 1: 41-46.
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