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International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2018, 2(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.18227.

Analysis on the Status Quo of College Students' Psychological Capital --- The Case Study on the Colleges and Universities in Hengyang


Jie Yin, Yan Tang, Jie He

Corresponding Author:
Jie Yin

Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang, Hunan,421002, China


Objective: To understand the current situation of psychological capital of college students with financial difficulties, analyze their performance in the four dimensions of psychological capital, and explore effective measures and methods to improve the positive psychological quality of college students with financial difficulties. Methods: The positive psychological capital questionnaire (PPQ) survey compiled by Zhang Kuo et al. (2008) was used to analyze and analyze the data with SPSS17.0 software. Results: 1. The total score of mental capital of college students with economic difficulties and each dimension is higher than the theoretical median value (the theoretical median is 4). 2. The psychological capital of college students with economic difficulties has significant differences in grades. Among them, the mental capital of the fourth-grade students is significantly higher than that of the freshmen and sophomores. There is no significant difference in gender and whether it is the only child, but the only child. In the optimistic dimension, it is significantly higher than the non-only child. 3. There is no significant difference in whether mental capital is a university student with financial difficulties. There is a significant difference in whether or not there are economically disadvantaged students. Non-economically disadvantaged students are significantly higher than those with special difficulties. Conclusion: The psychological capital of college students with economic difficulties is in good condition, and the psychological capital of economically disadvantaged students is general.


Economically difficult college students; economically disadvantaged college students; psychological capital

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Jie Yin, Yan Tang, Jie He. Analysis on the Status Quo of College Students' Psychological Capital --- The Case Study on the Colleges and Universities in Hengyang. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2018) Vol. 2: 108-113.


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