International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2020, 4(1); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.040105.
Leng Manxi, Yang Zeyu, Cao Haoxiang, Lu Xingyu
College of Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637000, China
In the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, and even materials, organic reactions have always been an important part of research and actual production due to their special characteristics. In organic reactions, the electronic effect and steric hindrance effect are very important to the stability of organic compounds, especially in the electrophilic addition of carbon carbon heavy bonds and the deactivation of single substituted aromatic compounds, the accurate analysis of related electronic effects can always solve the problem. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the essential mechanism of electronic effects in organic reactions, in order to solve practical problems in actual chemical production and chemical research.
Electronic effect, Induced effect, Conjugate effect, Electron cloud density
Leng Manxi, Yang Zeyu, Cao Haoxiang, Lu Xingyu. Study of Electronic Effect in Organic Reactions Introduction. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2020) Vol.4, Issue 1: 28-32.
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