Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2018, 1(1); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.010006.
Feng Zhang, Wensheng Niu
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang Univerisity, Beijing, China
A systematic approach to model microprocessors and their correctness is useful and necessary for practical projects of formal verifications. We extend existing models to support non-superscalar pipelines with dynamic stalling. We introduce a set of algebraic tools and methods to model the specification, implementation and verification, to define formal correctness condition in formal verification and guide the actual work of microprocessors formal verification. This method is a general basis of a uniform theoretical framework for modeling microprocessors, not limited to specific reasoning systems. We consider the microprocessors determined by iterated maps that data abstractions evolve over time from some initial state, at different levels of temporal and data abstraction. We apply this method to model a pipelined microprocessor with dynamic stalling and verify it using algebraic equations.
Algebraic models, a uniform theoretical framework, time and data abstraction, formal verification
Feng Zhang, Wensheng Niu. Improvement of Algebraic Models of Abstract Pipelines for Formal Verification. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2018) Vol. 1: 53-70.
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