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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2020, 2(7); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2020.020713.

Research on Graphic Design in the Era of New Media


HAO Xin-xin, ZHANG Wan-yu

Corresponding Author:
HAO Xin-xin

Tiangong University College of Humanities, 300387


With the diversified development of society, people's thoughts are gradually changing and they begin to accept a large number of different types of information. As a visual language, graphics transmit information in a unique way. Under the current new media era background, modern graphic design through the combination of new media technology has more profound semantics, and has its own emotional characteristics, expression methods and rules, has become an art form that not only conforms to the public aesthetic but also reflects the attitude of pleasure.


“new media” era graphic design visual language, Information transmission

Cite This Paper

HAO Xin-xin, ZHANG Wan-yu. Research on Graphic Design in the Era of New Media. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 7: 42-44. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2020.020713.


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