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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2020, 2(6); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2020.020604.

Design of Data Acquisition and Control System Based on MQTT


Fei Ling1,*, Juncheng Qing2, Lei Tian2

Corresponding Author:
Fei Ling

1 School of Civil Engineering, Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute,712000, Shaanxi, China
2 Department of Electronic and Engineering, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, 710121 Shaanxi, China
*Corresponding author


The designed data collection system could collect the data by each IoT node device through the MQTT protocol, display the data through the web client and remotely control the switch of the device. When the network is unavailable, the Bluetooth client could display the data and control the function of the device switch. Among the IoT node devices. In the wireless network environment, the devices upload data to the MQTT server with the WiFi module. Without a wireless network, the data would send to devices hrough the LoRa module to implement data and instructions.


MQTT; LoRa Data Acquisition; the Remote Control

Cite This Paper

Fei Ling, Juncheng Qing, Lei Tian. Design of Data Acquisition and Control System Based on MQTT. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2020), Vol. 2, Issue 6: 24-31. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2020.020604.


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