Frontiers in Sport Research, 2020, 2(6); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2020.020610.
Xinwen Li1,*, Jianfeng Xiang2
1 Department of Physical Education, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China
2 College of Physical Education, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
*Corresponding Author
Youth sports core literacy is one of the current hot issues in the field of physical education. This article uses literature research methods and logical analysis research methods to start the theory from the important levels that constitute the core literacy content of sports from the perspective of complex systems theory Interpretation and research suggest that the Chinese youth theory generally has insufficient knowledge of sports morality, weak awareness of sports, weak foundation of sports skills, and self-enclosed physical entertainment are the actual situation of lack of core sports literacy. The proposed construction path is: through deconstruction and reconstruction. There is a physical education model to form a scientific and perfect system; strictly follow the actual status of physical education, summarize scientific and mature evaluation methods; always follow the theoretical basis of sports core literacy, and establish a youth-oriented sports concept.
complex system theory, sports core literacy, youth
Xinwen Li, Jianfeng Xiang. The Reality and Necessity of Youth Sports Core Literacy Deficiency based on Complex System Theory. Frontiers in Sport Research (2020) Vol. 2 Issue 6: 74-81.
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