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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2020, 2(8); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2020.020815.

The Influence of Family Travel Decision-Making Behavior under the Background of Normalized Epidemic Prevention


Yue Wang

Corresponding Author:
Yue Wang

College of Business Administration, Jilin Engineering Normal University, Changchun, 130012, Jilin, China


In the fight against the epidemic, the nationwide joint prevention and control work has been carried out in an all-round way. The public security police and agencies have coordinated and cooperated to fight unhesitatingly on the front line of prevention, control, investigation and maintenance of social stability. A variety of new scientific prevention and control methods such as deep integration, remote interaction, integration of inspection and elimination, and wearable smart patrol have emerged, not only to provide safety protection and auxiliary support for frontline personnel, but also to carry out normalized epidemic prevention and control and social security management. Play an active role, and contribute more to China's efforts to support international cooperation in the fight against the epidemic and jointly win this global battle against the epidemic. Under the background of normalized epidemic prevention, the decision-making behavior of family outings is very important. Whether family travel will affect the safety and health of family members, whether it will bring disadvantages to public and social epidemic prevention, and a series of issues that we as law-abiding citizens need to consider carefully. Although travel restrictions have been lifted, the epidemic prevention and control work still cannot be slackened. On the one hand, the global epidemic is continuously spreading, and the risk of overseas importation facing my country is increasing; on the other hand, the population movement caused by the travel of a large number of people has also led to the risk of a rebound of the epidemic. Therefore, this article studies the influence of families' travel decision-making behaviors under the background of normalized epidemic prevention. Investigate and study the influence of factors such as whether you will travel, how to travel, and where to travel. Experimental results show that under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention, citizens still have expectations for family travel, but they will consider the impact of epidemic prevention on this tour before traveling, and make full preparations for travel.


Normalize Epidemic Prevention, Family Travel, Epidemic Travel, Travel Decision-making

Cite This Paper

Yue Wang. The Influence of Family Travel Decision-Making Behavior under the Background of Normalized Epidemic Prevention. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2020), Vol. 2, Issue 8: 114-121. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2020.020815.


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