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International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2020, 4(4); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.040408.

Research on Teenagers’ Mental Health Under High Pressure Modern Life


Iris (Yeting) Zhou

Corresponding Author:
Iris (Yeting) Zhou

JSerra Catholic High School    CA, 92675
PSY: Human Emotion,Matthias Siemer, Ph. D, Yale,September 20,2020


Teenager’s mental health is becoming increasingly complex which is hard to notice. Teen depression is a serious issue but can be alleviated when you know the symptoms. Though the term “depression” can describe a normal human emotion, it also can refer to a mental disorder [1]. Nowsday, the concepts of mental illness and mental health have come into our vision. Without doubt, mental health is becoming an issue that all people should consider, especially teenagers’ mental health. As the adolescent brain experiences continuous change and growth, adolescents can become particularly sensitive and vulnerable to social cues and influences [2]. This essay will thus look into mental pressure of teenagers specifically, examine the reason why the multifarious stress from society will have negative impact on teenager’s mental health, and recommend remedies to alleviate and treat teenagers’ mental health issues.


pressure, love, conflict, well-being, parent–adolescent relationship

Cite This Paper

Iris (Yeting) Zhou. Research on Teenagers’ Mental Health Under High Pressure Modern Life. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2020) Vol.4, Issue 4: 85-90. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDES.040408.


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