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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2021, 3(2); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2021.030202.

Development Analysis between the Internet Finance and the Traditional Banking


Zhang Jinyang

Corresponding Author:
Zhang Jinyang

Hebei University of Engineering, School of Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Hebei Handan 056038, China


Although the Internet Finance has just sprung up in recent years and it has being presenting a rapid development. And now the Internet Finance forms a pattern of a kind of competition with the traditional banking. Out of the basic characteristics of economic man analysis, Nash equilibrium result of the Internet Finance and the traditional banking shows that: for the traditional banking, This paper from the different angles to do the respective factor analysis on the Internet Finance and the traditional banking, and on the basic of the special advantage analysis of the Internet finance to put forward policy suggestions. The search result help us to know the importance of the change more deeply and make both the Internet Finance or the traditional banking are able to do better service to the public.


The Internet Finance; The Traditional Banking; Competition; Development

Cite This Paper

Zhang Jinyang. Development Analysis between the Internet Finance and the Traditional Banking. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 2: 8-12. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2021.030202.


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