Frontiers in Sport Research, 2021, 3(2); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2021.030202.
Xianfeng Dong1,*
1The Fundamental Deparment, Yinchuan University of Enegry, Yinchuan 750105, China
*Corresponding Author
Comprehensively cultivating students’ moral education, intellectual education, labor education, physical education and aesthetic education is an important task of school education in the new era. School physical education can only effectively attract students to participate in sports consciously and voluntarily and achieve widespread development the purpose of campus sports. Due to the interdependence and mutual influence between fun and beauty, the study of sports fun must involve the study of sports aesthetics. This article adopts research methods of literature and logical analysis, from the necessity of sports aesthetics, sports aesthetics, and sports aesthetics. In terms of sports aesthetic design and effectiveness, it explains the importance of aesthetic process research for sports fun and the practical significance of school physical education.
school physical education, aesthetics, physical education
Xianfeng Dong. The Cultivation Strategy of School Physical Education Aesthetic Process. Frontiers in Sport Research (2021) Vol. 3 Issue 2: 7-9.
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