Frontiers in Sport Research, 2021, 3(2); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2021.030206.
Wenhao Zhang1, Ye Cheng2,*
1 College of Physical Education, Kunsan National University, Kunsan 54150, Korea
2Department of Physical Education, Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang 050061, China
*Corresponding Author
In recent years, the marathon has become increasingly popular and popular all over the world. The number of people participating in the marathon is increasing, and the people who participate in this sport have a long-lasting motivation to participate. This article adopts research methods of literature and logical analysis, through the analysis of the psychological state of the people who run marathon from attention, participation, persistence, and finally development to the urban marathon enthusiastic runners at each stage of the growth process, which is for the majority of amateur marathons. The scientific exercise of runners and physical and mental health provide a theoretical basis, and at the same time provide a reference for the healthy development of the Chinese mass marathon.
marathon, psychology, motivation
Wenhao Zhang, Ye Cheng. Interpretation of Marathon from the Perspective of Psychology. Frontiers in Sport Research (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 2: 21-24.
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