Frontiers in Sport Research, 2021, 3(2); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2021.030211.
Sile Wang1, 2*
1College of Physical Education, Anqing Normal University, Anqing 246000, China
2College of Graduate, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Korea
*Corresponding Author
The ankle joint is an important weighted joint of the human body, and it is very easy to sprain in daily sports and life. Furthermore, functional ankle instability can be easily caused by an acute sprain of the ankle, which increases the risk of re-spraining. In view of this, this article summarizes and analyzes the literature on rehabilitation treatment of functional ankle instability, and explores the effect of proprioceptive training of ankle joints on the prevention of ankle injury in martial arts. This article selects a university martial arts team as the research object, and randomly divides them into 5 male and female experimental groups and 5 control groups. The experimental group received ankle muscle strength training, and the control group received ankle muscle strength training and ankle proprioception training. The dynamic balance system was used to perform balance tests before and after training in all control groups and experimental groups. After training, it has a significant effect on the average direction control ability, forward and left direction control ability, the value after training significantly increases, and the P values are 0.017, 0.032, and 0.043, respectively. The experiments in this paper show that both ankle muscle strength training and ankle joint proprioceptive training combined with muscle strength training can improve the dynamic and static balance ability of martial arts players; moreover, the combination of the two training combined to improve the balance ability is more significant and can effectively prevent the ankle joint the appearance of damage.
martial arts, proprioceptive training, ankle joint, injury prevention, ankle proprioceptive training
Sile Wang. Effect of Ankle Proprioceptive Training on Preventing Ankle Injury of Martial Arts Players. Frontiers in Sport Research (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 2: 48-55.
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