International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2021, 5(1); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.2021.050106.
Mingye Li1, Yinuo Shen2, Xintong Mao1, Sihan Wang3, Peijin Jiang4
1Hangzhou Foreign Language School, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310023, China
2United World College Costa Rica, Santa Ana, San Jose 11801, Costa Rica
3John F. Kennedy High School, 11254 Gothic Ave, Granada Hills, CA 91344
4Beijing Bayi High School International Department, Beijing, Beijing 100080, China
The study was designed to examine the effective manners for beginners to study foreign language vocabulary using mobile-assisted programs of different language learning approaches. We reported on a simple process of language learning on Wenjuanxing, an online survey instrument with over 80 million active users for data collection. Some beginning learners use unsystematic ways to learn L2, which are not recommended. In a between-subjects design, 78 high school students (aged 15 to 18) with 36 males and 42 females were randomly assigned into three groups: no L1 translation, L1 translation before, L1 translation after. They learnt 12 Spanish words through a tutorial video and then completed a vocab test to examine their short-term language acquisition. After 24 hours, another similar vocab test was given to examine their long-term language acquisition. The results revealed a noticeable difference in long-term memory between with and without L1 translation, providing a route for L2 vocabulary learners to follow in the online environment.
L1 translation; high school students; short-term; long-term; language acquisition
Mingye Li, Yinuo Shen, Xintong Mao, Sihan Wang, Peijin Jiang. Applying L1 Translation in L2 Vocabulary Building: Efficacy of Immersion Learning Method in the Online Environment. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2021) Vol.5, Issue 1: 28-34.
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