The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2021, 3(2); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2021.030203.
Jiaying Zhang
Staten Island Academy, New York - 10304, United States
Cultures have not developed in isolation but moved forward in mutual communication, learning, and collision, so that people from different culture backgrounds can develop broader horizons by contributing unique perspectives and bringing pragmatic exchanges. This paper is designed for testing whether the benefits of cultural diversity are more dominant in team performance rather than that of shortages, which can be applied to build a better team performance. This paper identifies that there might be four possible correlations between cultural diversity and team performance by measuring all dimensions of diversity. On the hand of the linearity, more degrees of cultural diversity will cause either more optimistic or pessimistic results in team performance. On the other hand of nonlinearity, the prediction can present as a combination of all the advantages or disadvantages of diversity. In other words, it indicates that there could be a certain degree of diversity that ensues either the best effects or the worst.
Cultural diversity, Team outcomes, Team performance, Southern and Northern China, Social integration
Jiaying Zhang. A Study of the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Team Performance in Southern and Northern China. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 2: 17-20.
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