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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2021, 3(4); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2021.030414.

Research on Optimizing the Business Model of Cross-border E-commerce Based on Blockchain Technology


Guishan Xie

Corresponding Author:
Guishan Xie

Guangzhou South China Business Trade College, Guangzhou 510550, China


Relying on its excellent point-to-point networking technology, blockchain technology has built a brand-new model of cross-border business, saving the cost of grading agency in the process of traditional cross-border e-commerce. Blockchain has a unique traceability. With the support of the digital currency system, a cross-border cargo traceability system is established to ensure the authenticity and quality of the source of goods. Based on this, this paper studies the meaning of blockchain technology and cross-border e-commerce, looks for the problem of the business model of the two blending, and proposes countermeasures.


blockchain, cross-border e-commerce, business model

Cite This Paper

Guishan Xie. Research on Optimizing the Business Model of Cross-border E-commerce Based on Blockchain Technology. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 4: 71-74. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2021.030414.


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