Frontiers in Sport Research, 2021, 3(2); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2021.030213.
Jingshan Zhang
Department of Sports Humanities and Sociology, Sichuan Sports College, Chengdu 610043, China
The integration of physical education curriculum in universities, middle schools and primary schools is the focus and difficulty of the current physical education reform. With the passage of the times, the integration of physical education curriculum in universities, middle schools and primary schools is increasingly troubled. This article uses research methods of literature and logical analysis to make a specific analysis from the practical difficulties encountered in the integration of the physical education curriculum of universities, middle schools and primary schools. The study found that: the current direction and setting of the physical education curriculum goals are inadequate in correspondence and cohesion; the selection and organization of curriculum content is simple and repetitive, and lacks gradualness; the three major approaches to curriculum implementation lack linkage and lack of interoperability; curriculum evaluation objects, content, and methods are out of touch, lack of integrity. The design of the curriculum objectives of each semester should focus on the main line of the core literacy of the physical education discipline, build a logically clear and sequential curriculum content system, optimize the flexible and diverse, internal and external joint curriculum implementation methods, and establish a progressive, multi-level perspective The curriculum evaluation system is established to establish a physical education curriculum system that is internally unified, horizontally consistent, vertical cohesive, and forms united.
physical education curriculum, physical education teaching, integration
Jingshan Zhang. The Realistic Predicament and Path Dispelling of the Integration of Physical Education Curriculum in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools. Frontiers in Sport Research (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 2: 60-64.
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