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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2021, 4(3); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2021.040306.

Research on the Optimal Strategy of "Crossing the Desert" Game Based on Dijkstra Algorithm


Li Huang, Hongmei Yi

Corresponding Author:
Li Huang

College of health, Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang 550004, Guizhou, China


This article mainly analyzes the problem of "crossing the desert" game, and transforms the problem of cross-desert game into the shortest path problem in graph theory. Taking the consumable materials and consumable funds as the weights, using Dijkstra's algorithm, path planning, dynamic planning and recursive methods, the model is established in consideration of the weather, and the optimal strategy is given to maximize the remaining funds when the destination is reached.


path planning, Dijkstra algorithm, dynamic planning

Cite This Paper

Li Huang, Hongmei Yi. Research on the Optimal Strategy of "Crossing the Desert" Game Based on Dijkstra Algorithm. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2021), Vol. 4, Issue 3: 37-40. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2021.040306.


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