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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2021, 3(6); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2021.030611.

Top Management Team Characteristics and Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Chinese Multinational Corporations in Kenya: An Empirical Investigation


You Zhanglan, Zachary B. Awino, John Yabs, Gituro Wainaina

Corresponding Author:
You Zhanglan

School of Business, University of Nairobi, University Road, Nairobi, Kenya


The paper is an empirical investigation on top management team characteristics and sustainable competitive advantage of Chinese Multinational Corporations in Kenya. The paper used team management team characteristics as independent variable and sustainable advantage as the dependent variable. A null conceptual hypotheses for the research have been established which states that TMT characteristics has no positive and significant effect on SCA of Multinational corporations. The research employed a cross-sectional survey to gather information from the 72 Chinese Multinational Corporations. The Chief Executive Officer or its equivalents were interviewed from the various departments of the corporations. The formulated hypothesis was analyzed by the use of Chi-square. From the study findings, it emerged that the tested variables (Top management team characteristics and sustainable competitive advantage positively and significantly influenced each other. The study results are in agreement with various previous studies thus Opens Avenue for further studies. The findings of the research contain an implication in the respective organizations where the indicators in regard to sustainable competitive advantage should not only be used to measure constructs of return on investment, differentiation and customer satisfaction.


Chinese Multinational Corporations, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Empirical

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You Zhanglan, Zachary B. Awino, John Yabs, Gituro Wainaina. Top Management Team Characteristics and Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Chinese Multinational Corporations in Kenya: An Empirical Investigation. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 6: 76-82. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2021.030611.


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