Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2021, 3(7); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2021.030705.
Han Wang
School of Accountancy, Zhixing College of Hubei University, Wuhan 430011, China
Z Energy Limited is a New Zealand-based fuel company, founded in 2010. In 2013, Z Energy became a listed company on the NZX, and also started to trade on the Australian Stock Exchange publicly. This report focuses on Z Energy’s non-financial performances and how they affect company’s value. Z Energy has been devoting itself to sustainable development while the actual performances were usually under the expectations. On the other hand, Z needs to deal with the challenges raised from electric energy. Even though Z has been trying to positively respond to the market variations and expecting a promising future, the outcomes are less likely to be optimistic. From the macroeconomic perspective, Z is significantly influenced by global crude oil prices and forex rates, it is sensitive to the changes in market conditions. Although New Zealand has a low-inflation economic environment, the impact of international economic conditions will override the influence from the domestic market. However, Z has also made some achievements in supplying biofuels and developed a long-term cooperation with Fonterra. In addition, Z Energy has applied numerous methods, such as HSSE strategy, to improve employee involvement and loyalty, and adopts “Strengthen the Core” strategy to expand businesses.
non-financial performances, valuation on Z, strategic management
Han Wang. Integrated Performance Evaluation and Strategic Implication Report on Z Energy Limited. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 7: 24-27.
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