Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2021, 4(5); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2021.040504.
Yan Wang1, Wei Yang1, Wanxue Lv2, Yuhang Song2, Wentian Zhao2
1School of Business Administration, Xi'an Eurasia University, Xi'an, China
2School of Finance, Xi'an Eurasia University, Xi'an, China
Supplier management is an indispensable part of production management. Facing a large number of suppliers in the market, manufacturers need to choose reliable and strong suppliers, to meet the needs of enterprise production, but also to overcome the number of suppliers too many, coordination and communication costs of the purpose. In this paper, using the raw material ordering and supply data produced by manufacturers in the past, Xi'an constructs the index system of supplier selection, then helps manufacturers objectively screen suppliers through grey correlation analysis, and finally achieves the goal of further streamlining the number of suppliers by constructing an integer planning model.
Production enterprises Suppliers choose Grey correlation analysis integer planning
Yan Wang, Wei Yang, Wanxue Lv, Yuhang Song, Wentian Zhao. Supplier Selection of Manufacturers Based on Order Supply Data. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2021), Vol. 4, Issue 5: 27-31.
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