Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2021, 4(5); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2021.040509.
Beinuo Guo
United World College of Atlantic, Llantwit Major, Wales
Pop songs are pretty diverse in the current digital music market. The article focuses on how different characteristics of a pop song can affect its popularity. In this paper, multiple linear regression is used to predict the model of pop song's popularity. Also, a Matlab code is made in order to achieve an ideal optimal popular pop song. The article can primarily answer the questions: What determines the popularity of a song? What kind of music do people like most currently? What characteristics shall composers focus on while making a new piece? This article may be helpful to those who make their own music and those who are engaged in the music market. Furthermore, This article also provides a computer model that can adjust parameters to obtain the optimal song type.
model, predict, popularity, multiple linear regression, characteristic
Beinuo Guo. A Model for Predicting Pop Music Popularity and Its Different Characteristics Based on Multiple Linear Regression. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2021), Vol. 4, Issue 5: 58-70.
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