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International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2017, 1(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.17222.

Analysis of Teachers Talk in English Reading at Senior High School


Qian He

Corresponding Author:
Qian He

Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, 341000


Teacher discourse is an important tool for teachers 'occupations. It goes without saying that teacher discourse is essential to students' learning process. This study is based on classroom observation, recording and questionnaire survey based on the case study, the use of qualitative and descriptive methods to determine the high school English teachers in English reading classes embodied in the functional discourse characteristics, especially teacher discourse, teacher feedback and teachers It is hoped that through the study of teachers' discourse, we hope to reflect the present situation of language learning in Chinese English classroom objectively and truthfully, and provide useful teaching practice enlightenment for the majority of English teachers.


Teachers Talk, English Reading, Senior High School

Cite This Paper

Qian He. Analysis of Teachers Talk in English Reading at Senior High School.  International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2017) Vol.1, Num.2: 93-95.


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