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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2021, 3(15); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2021.031504.

Short-term Study Abroad: The Motivations of American University Students and the Expansion


Xin Mu

Corresponding Author:
Xin Mu

Chengdu Neusoft University


Only by blending into the culture of a country can one understand the foreign context and gain as many personal experiences as possible. Short-term study abroad is a shortcut to familiarize with local culture of the destination in the relatively shorter time. In the traditional concept, studying abroad is a “huge” thing because it engages multiple involvements from different parties. What’s more, needed contributions toward studying abroad such as trade-offs, application preparation, living arrangements can be complex and daunting for potential participants. Today, short-term study abroad however has become a mainstream choice for students who want to obtain multicultural and language learning or to become global citizens, along with the development of study abroad processing framework and practices. By critically analyzing students’ motivations to participate in faculty-led short-term study abroad, the primary purpose of this case study is to bring up the approaches to expand the programs for American university students who are the major object of analysis. 


Short-term study abroad, integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, policy, expansion

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Xin Mu. Short-term Study Abroad: The Motivations of American University Students and the Expansion. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2021), Vol. 3, Issue 15: 33-43. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2021.031504.


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