Frontiers in Sport Research, 2021, 3(5); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2021.030505.
Zhenlei Lv, Haijin Pan, Zhongmin Liu, Yunlong Ma
College of Health Sciences, Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology, Haikou, 571126, China
Autism is also called autism, and the full name is autism spectrum disorder (ASD). After anatomical techniques and research and analysis of complex brain activities, it is generally believed that the cause of autism is mainly due to complex brain development disorders caused by. It is mainly manifested in the stereotypes of interpersonal and social communication and language communication barriers, as well as narrow hobbies and activities. This article aims to study the diversity of the digestive tract flora of children with autism based on sensory integration training, and analyze the impact of sensory integration disorders on children with autism, the etiology of autism spectrum disorders and the treatment of autism. On the basis of this, this article selects the case information of a child care outpatient department in a hospital, and includes the first confirmed autism children patients who meet the research standards before the treatment of autism. The children after the autism treatment and healthy children are used as controls to further understand the patients with autism. The diversity of children’s digestive tract flora. The results of the study showed that in the analysis of the bacterial diversity index, the comparison between CB and CA were both P<0.05, which was statistically significant.
sensory integration training, children with autism, digestive tract flora, flora diversity
Zhenlei Lv, Haijin Pan, Zhongmin Liu, Yunlong Ma. Diversity of Digestive Tract Microflora in Children with Autism Based on Sensory Integration Training. Frontiers in Sport Research (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 5: 26-32.
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