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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2021, 3(17); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2021.031703.

Improving Strategies of College Physical Education Teachers' Core Accomplishment under the Background of Internet+


Yunqing Yang1, Xiangping Mei2 and Jianqiang Guo1

Corresponding Author:
Jianqiang Guo

1School of Physical Education, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, Jiangsu, China

2Huaide College, Changzhou University, JingJiang 214500,Jiangsu, China


With the rapid development of the "Internet +" model, it provides opportunities for the development of sports service platforms. As a sports classroom leader, what core qualities should a PE teacher have to better cultivate the core of the student's sports discipline Accomplishment has become a problem that needs to be solved urgently. This article mainly studies the strategies to improve the core literacy of college physical education teachers under the background of Internet +. This research takes the core literacy of college physical education teachers as the research object, and takes physical education teachers as the survey object. It mainly studies the structural model of the core literacy of physical education teachers in my country's colleges and universities and the investigation and analysis of the status quo based on the model construction, and formulates the improvement of the core literacy of physical education teachers in my country. This study uses the Delphi method to screen the indicators of the core literacy index system of ordinary high school physical education teachers in multiple rounds, combined with the basis and principles of the construction of the core literacy indicator system of ordinary high school physical education teachers, and preliminary drafts the core literacy indicator system of ordinary high school physical education teachers Basic framework. The questionnaire survey uses a stratified random sampling method. The questionnaire for physical education teachers is mainly designed from the aspects of school curriculum, teaching, evaluation and teacher ethics. The content validity of the questionnaire adopts expert evaluation method. Using independent sample T test and single factor analysis of variance, the impact of "Internet +" on the core literacy of college physical education teachers is analyzed. The data shows that many teachers have a better understanding of the principle of conscious initiative in physical exercise, and the proportion is the highest, accounting for 77.37% of the total surveyed. The improvement of the core literacy of physical education needs to improve the independent development mechanism of physical education teachers, so as to attract the attention of the government, schools and junior high school physical education teachers themselves, and effectively enhance the core literacy of college physical education teachers.


Internet+ Background, College Physical Education Teachers, Core Literacy, Improvement Strategies

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Yunqing Yang, Xiangping Mei and Jianqiang Guo. Improving Strategies of College Physical Education Teachers' Core Accomplishment under the Background of Internet+. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2021), Vol. 3, Issue 17: 19-31. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2021.031703.


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