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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2021, 3(9); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2021.030915.

The Relationship between Higher Education and Economic Growth in China


Zhuoxin Wang 

Corresponding Author:
Zhuoxin Wang

School of Economics, University of Alberta, Edmonton T6G 2C5, Canada


With the rapid growth of social productivity and science and technology in China, education has received more and more attention. Higher education, as the leader of education, has an increasingly close relationship with economic growth. With the advent of the knowledge economy, education has a driving effect on economic flourish, while the development of the economy has a significant impact on higher education. This paper wants to explore how higher education and economic growth interact with each other. This paper refers to relevant literature at home and abroad, mainly using data analysis, case study, literature, and interdisciplinary research methods. Therefore, this paper concludes that higher education promotes economic prosperity by boosting science and technology, optimizing human resources, and contributing directly to economic growth. Economic prosperity promoted the development of higher education through the evening education system and quality.


higher education; economic growth; China

Cite This Paper

Zhuoxin Wang. The Relationship between Higher Education and Economic Growth in China. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 9: 77-81. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2021.030915.


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