International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2021, 5(3); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.2021.050301.
Ma Xie1,2, Li Ming1, Zhu Leilei3, Ma Xiushui3, Suo Huiheng3 and Song Yunfeng4
1 Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
2 Ningbo University of Finance & Economics, Ningbo, China
3 NingboTech University, Ningbo, China
4 Yuyao Sunny Intelligent Optical Technology Co. Ltd, Ningbo, China
This paper analyzes the current situation cutting tools wear monitoring technology of CNC machine at home and abroad, analyzes the cutting tools wear monitoring technology deficiency based acoustic emission, vibration, cutting sound, motor current, cutting force. The application prospect of laser Doppler vibration measurement technology in CNC machine cutting tools wear monitoring is researched.
CNC machine, cutting tools wear monitoring, laser Doppler vibrometer
Ma Xie, Li Ming, Zhu Leilei, Ma Xiushui, Suo Huiheng, Song Yunfeng. Research Progress on Monitoring of CNC Machine Cutting Tools Wear Condition. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2021) Vol.5, Issue 3: 1-9.
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