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International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2017, 1(2); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.17230.

Research of UWB multifunctional generation and modulation based on dual-filter tuning



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Department of Optical Information Science and Technology, College of Science, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan Hubei 430205, P.R.China


A flexible photonic scheme for the generation and modulation of ultrawideband (UWB) based on dual-filter tuning is proposed and experimentally. The UWB polarity-switch monocycle an doublet pulses are obtained in the system. Meanwhile, with a predefined code pattern and control of the optical path difference, the pulse bipolar modulation and pulse shape modulation can be performed. By simulating through the software of Optisystem, the impact of light source power on modulated signal is investigated. In addition, the transmission characteristics of UWB modulated signals are also discussed. It is found out that the input power should between a certain range in order to get optimum UWB signals. Only a laser source introduced in the architecture guarantees the excellent dispersion,which has potential application in UWB impulse radio over optical fiber access networks.


Ultra-wideband, Optical filter tuning, Pulse bi-polar modulation, Pulse shape modulation

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SHAO Jing and ZHANG Kai. Research of UWB multifunctional generation and modulation based on dual-filter tuning.  International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2017) Vol.1, Num.2: 118-122.


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