Frontiers in Sport Research, 2021, 3(5); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2021.030516.
Jiancong Chen, Jinchen Chen
School of Physical Education, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China
Football shooting technology refers to a kind of systemic and instantaneous explosive force produced by the human body during sports. It requires athletes to have good physical quality, so exploring functional strength training is of great help to improve competition results. Firstly, this paper introduces the function of shooting technology on football players, and studies the definition, characteristics and application of functional strength training in football. This paper also uses the method of questionnaire to investigate the influence of football players' shooting technology before and after functional strength training. And through the empirical study of body movement function strength training, the final investigation results show that physical exercise function strength training has significant effect on improving young football players' shooting skills, while body strength exercise helps to enhance and improve the stability of the body. Through the first two stages of training, the shooting speed before functional strength training is 112.54km/h, while after training is 94.9km/h. There is a very significant gap between the two stages. At the same time, it also reflects that the stability of shooting skills of young football players has been significantly improved, which shows that human functional strength training has an obvious effect on enhancing shooting skills of young football players, and human functional strength training also helps to enhance and improve human sports stability. Physical exercise functional strength training is developed on the basis of traditional strength training, which makes up for the lack of core muscle group exercise ability in traditional strength training methods.
functional strength, strength training, football shooting technology, effect evaluation
Jiancong Chen, Jinchen Chen. Effect Evaluation of Functional Strength Training on Shooting Skills of Football Players. Frontiers in Sport Research (2021) Vol. 3, Issue 5: 91-98.
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