International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine, 2022, 4(1); doi: 10.25236/IJFM.2022.040101.
Xiangwei Qin1,2, Zhengyi Zhong1,3, Hanze Wei1, Rongrong Liu1, Qun Wang1
1Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou 215163, China
2School of Life Science and Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China
3School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
Laparoscopic images usually suffer image degradation due to smoking, insufficient illumination, specularity, and limited fields of view. Computer-assisted restoration algorithms have been developed to tackle this problem, whose performance needs to be assessed through a mechanism of image quality evaluation. In this study, we will briefly exam several image quality assessment technologies that have been utilized in the process of laparoscopic image restoration.
Image quality assessment, Non-Reference IQA, Full-Reference IQA, Laparoscopic images
Xiangwei Qin, Zhengyi Zhong, Hanze Wei, Rongrong Liu, Qun Wang. A Brief Review of Image Quality Assessment Techniques for Laparoscopic Image Restoration. International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine (2022), Vol. 4, Issue 1: 1-6.
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