Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2022, 4(2); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2022.040205.
Yan Li, Chunya Li
Business School of Nantong Institute of Technology, Nantong Jiangsu, China
With the gradual penetration of "Internet +" into our lives, among many social e-commerce platforms, the creative Pinduoduo has emerged, and has opened up a path of its own in the highly competitive e-commerce environment. As social e-commerce can better stimulate new demands from consumers, companies have begun to focus on their brand communication, which has a strong impact on brand trust and loyalty by establishing a good brand image. With its unique brand culture, Pinduoduo has become a classic example of brand communication and quickly attracted the attention of the social e-commerce industry [1]. Based on the research on social e-commerce brand communication, this paper takes Pinduoduo as an example to introduce the development of its brand communication and its current brand communication strategy, collects and analyzes the data through the questionnaire method, and summarizes the brand communication of Pinduoduo. Immediately, according to the shortcomings of Pinduoduo's brand communication, suggestions are put forward to improve Pinduoduo's brand communication. Based on this, it will give other social e-commerce some inspiration for brand communication, and summarize and look forward to the future.
Social E-commerce, Pinduoduo, Brand Communication, Brand Image
Yan Li, Chunya Li. Research on Brand Communication of Social E-Commerce Pinduoduo. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 2: 31-37.
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